November 18-22


MON - Writing Assignment Vocab Units 4-6

TUES - Writing Assignment Vocab Units 4-6

WED - Writing Assignment Vocab Units 4-6

THURS - Writing Assignment Vocab Units 4-6

FRI - Writing Assignment Vocab Units 4-6

Test Review Key.pdf Test Review Key.pdf
Size : 326.076 Kb
Type : pdf
Exercises 6A Key.pdf Exercises 6A Key.pdf
Size : 27.682 Kb
Type : pdf


English Assignments are 10 pts. for each section. Quizzes are 25 pts. and Tests are 50 pts. 

Writing assignments will vary in points. 

Vocab Unit Exercises will be 25 pts. each, typically due on Fridays. Vocab Unit Tests will be 25 pts. each, typically taken on Mondays. If there is a change to this schedule, it will be announced. 

Final grade is based on TOTAL POINTS. 


Grade 7 Vocabulary: Book A and Book B
Grade 8 Vocabulary: Book C and Book D

Each student received a username and password to access the online resources and extra credit assignments (one per unit; due last day of each respective quarter) 

Here is another good resource for studying Vocabulary. Click the link, and then on the Unit you are currently studying for practice games and tests.

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